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“We are called to be God’s people,
showing by our lives His grace,
one in heart and one in spirit,
sign of hope for all the race.”
Our congregation is deeply invested in supporting mission at the local, national and global level.
Although supporting these organizations financially is directly tied to the beneficial work they do, we are also cognizant that Jesus calls us to go out and serve. We have a longstanding missional relationship with Cameron Community Ministries providing and serving dinner each fifth Sunday of the month. To become aware of the good work being done in our community and to educate ourselves on its needs, the mission board schedules representatives from local agencies to present at our adult education time. As a result of these presentations, members of our congregation have made commitments to serve various organizations and it is this self-empowerment our collective theology promotes. Just recently, one of our members made dresses to be sent to Sudan after hearing of the plight of the young girls in that country.
